My Writing

Sometimes I write code, sometimes I write words. Here what I've written on the internet.

6 Ways to Improve Your Programming Skills (Indonesia -

Have you ever coded by just copying and pasting code without understanding it? Don’t do that again! Let's improve your understanding and develop your coding skills now!

Posted on Jul 15th, 2024

The AI Room

When Chat GPT was released in 2023 most people were scared that their jobs would be replaced with AI.

Posted on Jul 1st, 2024

How to Start Freelancing as a Web Developer (Indonesia -

Tips for earning extra income as a freelance web developer. Mindset and how to get started.

Posted on April 28th, 2024

Do Front End Should Learn SEO

You might think SEO and Front End Development are worlds apart. And sure, on the surface, they seem totally different.

Posted on March 18th, 2024

Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL (Indonesia -

Learn SQL with PostgreSQL! We will learn how to use SQL in PostgreSQL directly with case studies!

Posted on March 15th, 2024

Why learning digital marketing can make you a be better software engineer (

Okay, so the title might have thrown you for a loop. You're probably thinking, 'Digital marketing? For me? But I'm a software engineer!'

Posted on March 4th, 2024

Build Blog Using Nextjs and Notion API (Indonesia -

Let's learn how to create a blog using Notion as a CMS. You can create a blog like WordPress but with a look and feel that you can customize yourself.

Posted on Feb 7th, 2024

Overcoming Burnout as a Programmer (Indonesia -

In the course of work, there are times when we feel tired, saturated, and bored. While not all feelings of tiredness are burnout, burnout itself refers to a condition of mental and physical exhaustion that cannot be taken lightly.

Posted on January 20th, 2024

Why Learning Design Helps Us as Front-End Developers

Imagine you are building a simple landing page, just one page, and you've created it without any design guide.

Posted on January 10th, 2024

Why Is It Essential for Software Developers to Have a Portfolio

Throughout my career, I've often struggled with the idea of building a portfolio. I feel like I never had the time or skills to do it justice.

Posted on November 15th, 2023
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